Voici une sélection de mes interviews dans les médias et de mes publications
Here is a selection of my media interviews and publications
2024.02.02: "Interview on the arms race in the world and in the Middle East", Al-Qahera News (Egypt) (in Arabic) (9'34)
2024.01.19: "Interview on the doctrine of Belarus for use of nuclear weapons", Al Arabiya TV (Saudi Arabia) (in Arabic) (3'38)
2023.12.15: "Interview on the EU and the Gaza War", Al-Qahera News TV (Egypt) (in Arabic) (4'00)
2023.11.01: "Menace nucléaire : vers la fin de la non-prolifération ?" France Culture, "Cultures Monde" (58'58)
2023.10.25: "Marc Finaud: Russia has made threats of use of nuclear weapons several times", Al-Sharq News (Dubai) (5'33
2023.08.28: "Interview on global and regional security", European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS)(1'02'20)
2023.08.04: "Interview on US nuclear submarines in Australia", Al-Qahera News (Cairo) (in Arabic) (9'35)
2023.07.11: "Interview on the Vilnius NATO Summit and the Ukraine War", Asharq News (Dubai) (in Arabic) (9'11)
2023.05.27: "Des armes nucléaires tactiques russes déployées en Biélorussie", Forum, RTS Radio (5'23)
2023.04.01: "The China-Russia Rapprochement: the Start of a New World Order?", Phoenix TV (Hong Kong) (in Chinese) (4'30)
2023.02.23: "Un an de guerre: l'Ukraine, Poutine... et nous: des fronts qui se durcissent et un conflit qui s'enlise", Infrarouge, RTS (24')
- 2023.02.23: "Un an de guerre: l'Ukraine, Poutine... et nous: des scénarios pour la suite du conflit", Infrarouge, RTS (21'23)
2023.01.06: "L'invité de la Matinale, Marc Finaud, Conseiller en sécurité et désarmement au Centre de Politique de Sécurité de Genève", RTS ( 17')
2022.11.24: Interview to LCI (Paris) on risks of use of chemical weapons in Ukraine (from 1:59:44 to 2:07:58) (9'00)
2022.11.21: Interview to France 24 (Paris) on attacks against the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, (4'11)
2022.09.22: "Face aux menaces de Poutine, comment éviter l'escalade?", Forum RTS (24'05)
2022.08.04: "Interview on the NPT Review Conference", The UN Brief (17'21)
2022.08.01: "Interview sur la Conférence d'examen du TNP", Forum, RTS Radio (4'41)
2022.07.16: Webinar: "The Global Coalition for Limitation of Armaments Discusses Promoting Gender Equality in the Field of Disarmament to Achieve SDGs" (14:38)
2022.07.01: On-line Seminar on "Devolution of Legislative Powers in Regimes of Territorial Autonomy" (2:17:43)
2022.06.26: Webinar: "Comment caractériser la guerre Russie-Ukraine ?" (1:49:00)
2022.06.24: "Le Traité sur l'interdiction des armes nucléaires est-il vain ?" France-Culture (radio) (13:00)
2022.05.16: "La déclaration du P5 relative à la guerre nucléaire", Observatoire stratégique de Genève (7:02)
2022.06.15: Interview on the "Nuclear Arms Race", Asharq TV (Dubai) (in Arabic) (4:30)
2022.06.13: "Se dirige-t-on vers une nouvelle ère de réarmement nucléaire?" RTS Radio (1:40)
2022.04.28: "Environmental Effects of Nuclear Weapons", 'Reversing the Trend' (from 1:04:07 to 1:16:34)
2022.04.26: "Risque d'escalade entre Moscou et l'OTAN", RTS TV Téléjournal (3:32)
2022.04.26: "Armer l'Ukraine au risque de l'escalade", Journal de 23h00, TV5 Monde (16:35)
2022.05.12: "The War in Ukraine", SATV (Bangladesh) (from 22:40 to 25:49)
2022.05.05: "Russia's Nuclear Threats", Asharq TV (Dubai) (in Arabic) (7:10)
2022.04.06: "Le désarmement nucléaire a-t-il vécu ?", "Le Temps du Débat", France-Culture (radio) (37:00)
2022.03.09: "La centrale nucléaire de Tchernobyl privée de courant", RTS TV Téléjournal (2:03)
2022.03.09: "40 millions de résistants" Infrarouge, RTS TV (38:44 à 47:24)
2022.03.07: "Nuclear Threats and the War in Ukraine", The UN Brief (18:02)
2022.03.02: "Menace nucléaire : jusqu'où ira-t-il ?" Infrarouge, RTS TV (1:03:42)
2021.12.01: "Iran Nuclear Talks: To Revive Deal 'the Only Solution is to Lift All Sanctions'", France 24 (English) (5:06)
2021.10.01: "Discussions sur le nucléaire entre les Etats-Unis et la Russie", "Tout un Monde", RTS Radio (09:13)
2021.07.21: Webinar on "Arms Control, Non-Proliferation, Disarmament" with Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement (NIICE) (6:54)
2021.07.17: Presentation on No-First Use of Nuclear Weapons for Abolition2000 (2:18)
2021.06.16: Presentation for GCSP Expert Analysis: "The Biden-Putin Summit: Steps towards Arms Control" (4:02)
2021.06.14: "Sommet Biden-Poutine: les grands dossiers abordés", "La Matinale", RTS Radio (4:00)
2021.02.21: "Nucléaire iranien: le chef de l'AIEA visite Téhéran à la veille d'une échéance cruciale", France 24 (français) (4:17)
2021.01.21: "Armes nucléaires: Faut-il vraiment s'en passer?", "Forum-Le Grand Débat", RTS Radio (22:00)
2020.11.23: “Towards Evidence-based Arms Control and Disarmament”, GCSP-IPU-Small Arms Survey, Geneva Peace Week 2020 (40:23)
2020.09.07: Podcast: "Nuclear Weapons and the Future of Humanity" with Mohamed ElBaradei, former Director General of the IAEA (22:09)
2020.06.20: La "Confrontation nucléaire" , "Géopolitis", RTS TV (26:55)​
2020.04.30: Presentation on "Iran and COVID-19" at GCSP Webinar on "Global Crisis, Global Risks, and Global Consequences" (6:16)
2019.03.18: Presentation for European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) on "Nuclear Weapons in South Asia" (11:01)
2019.11.05: Interview to Forum (RTS Radio): RTS, Forum, “L’Iran affirme produire désormais cinq kilos d’uranium enrichi par jour” (4:16)
2018.05.10: Interview to Phoenix TV (Hong Kong) on the "Iran Nuclear Deal" (2:43)
2018.05.06: Interview à 'Géopolitis' (RTS) sur "Armes chimiques: Tolérance Zéro" (16:17)
2015.08.06: Interview au Téléjournal de TSR: "Hiroshima commémore les 70 ans du premier bombardement nucléaire" (2'23)
Livres / Books
2020.10.12: L’Arme nucléaire: Eliminons-la avant qu’elle nous élimine ("The Nuclear Weapon : Let’s Eliminate It before It Eliminates Us”), L’Harmattan, Paris, 128 p. ISBN : 978-2-343-21527-3
2020.08.20: Regulating and Limiting the Proliferation of Armed Drones: Norms and Challenges, with Cholpon Orozobekova, GCSP Geneva Paper 25/20, ISBN 978-2-88947-108-9
2020.05.12: India’s Strategic Intent and Military Partnerships in the Indian Ocean Region, with Gaurav Sharma, GCSP Strategic Security Analysis, ISBN 978-2-88947-098-3
2019.05.23: The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and Asia’s Major Power Defiance, with Gaurav Sharma, GCSP Strategic Security Analysis No. 6, ISBN 978-2-88947-101-0
2018.11.03​: The South Asian Nuclear Posture : A Vicious Nuclear Arms Race, with Gaurav Sharma, GCSP Strategic Security Analysis, Issue 3
2017.02.21: Humanitarian Disarmament, Powerful New Paradigm or Naive Utopia?, GCSP Geneva Paper Research Series No. 21/17, ISBN: 978-2-88947-099-0
2016.04.12: The Iran Nuclear Deal: Distrust and Verify, with Dina Esfandiary, GCSP Geneva Paper Research Series No. 18/16,
2012.10.21: The Conference for a Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone: A Synopsis of Engagement of International and Regional Organisations, and Civil Society, with Ayman Khalil (ed.), GCSP Report
2011.10.12: The Role of Parliaments in Arms Control, Disarmament and the Non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, GCSP Geneva Papers Conference Series No. 22/11
2010.07.08: Safety and Security in the Biotechnological Age with S. Chandiramani, GCSP Geneva Paper No.15/10
2010.03.09: Can Autonomy Fulfil the Right to Self-Determination?, GCSP Geneva Paper n°12/10
2010.03.28: Pakistan and South Asia’s Security Nexus: Scenarios for the Future, with Sunjay Chandiramani and Dr Khalid Koser, GCSP Geneva Paper n°11/1
2009: Multilateralism and Transnational Security: A Synthesis of Win-win Solutions, with Nayef Al-Rodhan et al., Slatkine, Geneva, ISBN: 9782051020930
2008: Global Biosecurity: Towards a New Governance Paradigm, with Nayef R.F. Al-Rodhan, Lyubov Nazaruk and Jenifer Mackby, Slatkine, Geneva, ISBN 978-2-05-102054-1
2006: The Weak Send Rocks, The Strong Send Rockets (under pseudonym of Marek Arnaud), Strategic Book Publishing, New York, 2006, ISBN 1-60860-201-X
Chapitres / Chapters
2021.11.11: "Hypersonic Missiles" in Bernard Norlain (ed.), New Technologies and Nuclear Strategy, IDN, pp. 6-12
2020.11.26: “COVID-19 et sécurité internationale : des menaces aggravées”, in François Mabille (dir.), COVID-19 : vers la société internationale du risque, L’Harmattan, ISBN 978-2-343-21310-1A, pp.
2020.11.26: "COVID-19 and International Security: Aggravated Threats", in François Mabille (ed.), COVID-19: Toward a Wolrd Risk Society,ISBN 978-2-343-22321-6, pp. 103-115
2020: “Le désarmement à Genève : efforts méritoires et lacunes à combler” in: Olga Hidalgo-Weber & Bernard Lescaze (dir.), De la SdN à l’ONU : cent ans de multilatéralisme à Genève (1919-2019), Editions Suzanne Hurter, ISBN 2-940031-59-2, pp. 92-103
2020: “Disarmament in Geneva: Great Strides in an Incomplete Process” in: Olga Hidalgo-Weber & Bernard Lescaze (eds.), 100 Years of Multilateralism in Geneva: From the LoN to the UN (1919-2019), Editions Suzanne Hurter, Geneva, ISBN 2-940031-69-X, pp. 92-103
2016.11.23: “Reconciling National Security and General and Complete Disarmament (GCD)” in: Dan Plesch (ed.) Rethinking general and complete disarmament in the 21st Century, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, ISBN 978-92-1-142314-3, pp. 26-31
2016.05.01: “Meeting the Costs of Protecting Critical Infrastructure: Why not Save on Nuclear Weapons?” in: J. Martin Ramirez and Juan Carlos Fernández (eds.), Security in Infrastructures, Cambridge Scholars Publications
2015.09.01: “The 1996 ‘Grapes of Wrath’ Ceasefire Understanding and the Israel-Lebanon Monitoring Group: A Model of Successful Negotiations in Conflict Management”, in: Anat Kurz and Gilead Sher (eds.), Negotiating in Times of Conflict, Center of Applied Negotiation, Tel Aviv, pp. 173-191
2012.10.01: "Un Moyen-Orient exempt d’armes de destruction massive. Pour une approche globale et graduelle" in: Annuaire français de relations internationales, Vol. XIII, pp. 641-652, La Documentation française, Paris
2022.05.22: “The War in Ukraine and Nuclear Weapons: What Should We Fear?”, GCSP Blog
2022.05.23: "Guerre en Ukraine et armes nucléaires : de quoi faut-il avoir peur ?”, IDN
2022.0207: “The Middle East is a Self-perpetuating Cycle of Conflicts and Arms Sales”, with Shruti Punia, Responsible Statecraft
2022.01.13: “Why France Still Rejects No-First-Use of Nuclear Weapons”, with Gen. Bernard Norlain, NoFirstUseGlobal
2021.10.01: “Hommage à Paul Quilès : Adieu à un combattant de la paix”, Planète Paix
2021.06.16: “The Stakes of the Biden-Putin Summit: The Perspective of Small States”, GCSP Article
2021.06.08: “Les possibilités de paix entre Biden et Poutine”, Swissinfo
2021.06. 01: “Is There a New Chance for Arms Control in the Middle East?”, with Tony Robinson and Mona Saleh, Arms Control Today
2021.04.21: “USA, Iran, and the Nuclear Deal: What Role for the Other Parties?”, GCSP Article
2021.04.21: “Is the Nuclear Deal Back on Track?”, Geneva Solutions
2021.02.16: “Middle East: Is There Light at the End of the Long Corridor?”, with Mona Saleh and Tony Robinson, Pressenza
2021.02.10: “Will Nuclear Weapons Really Be Illegal?”, The Edition
2021.02.01: "Dissuasion nucléaire: vers la catastrophe", Planète Paix
2021.01.22: “Traité d’interdiction des armes nucléaires : ce qui va changer”, IDN
2021.01.02: “A Nuclear-Weapon Free Zone in Europe: Why Today?”, END Info Europe
2020.11.30: “Faut-il abandonner la dissuasion nucléaire?”, Le Drenche-Ouest France
2020.11.13: “Armes nucléaires: ce qui attend Biden et ce qu’on peut attendre de lui”, La Tribune
2020.10.16: “Multilateralism and Arms Control: The End of an Era?”, GCSP Op-Ed
2020.09.15: “Crise climatique et armes nucléaires : deux menaces existentielles sur la planète”, IDN
2020.09.14: “La France et l’ultime avertissement : une dangereuse dérive”, IDN
2020.08.28: “Nuclear Testing : An Example to Follow”, GCSP Op-Ed
2020.06.12: “Pandémie et course aux armements : La bourse et la vie”, swissinfo
2020.05.29: “How Does COVID-19 Relate to Biological Weapons?”, GCSP Op-Ed
2020.05.26: “Traité « Ciel ouvert » : nouveau caprice de Trump ou menace pour la sécurité européenne ?”, avec Emilien Houard-Vial, IDN
2020.05.07: “Réponses à l’argumentaire sur le TNP du Ministère français des Affaires étrangères”, IDN
2020.04.27: “Traité New START : Vers le chaos ou la sécurité ?”, IDN
2020.04.29: “Chernobyl fires: what could go wrong with nuclear weapons?”, GCSP Op-Ed
2020.04.03: “Five Reasons Why the Covid-19 Crisis is Related to Arms Control”, GCSP Op-Ed
​2020.03.25: “Five Ways to Remain Diplomatic Without Shaking Hands”, GCSP Editorial
2020.03.05: “How the Iran Nuclear Deal Can Be Saved”, with Bernd Kubbig and Heinz Gärtner, Responsible Statecraft
2020.02.18: “L’européanisation de la dissuasion française : une idée dangereuse vouée à l’échec”, with Grégoire Mallard, La Tribune
2020.02.11: “Discours présidentiel sur la dissuasion : une nouvelle opportunité manquée”, IDN
2019.09.17: "Plan d'action pour éviter la catastrophe nucléaire", IDN
2019.09.10: “The North Korea Nuclear Deal : Our Students Did It”, with Micheline Calmy-Rey, Issues & Insights Vol. 19, WP9, Pacific Forum
2019.07.24: “New Forms of Conflict and Arms Control in the Middle East: Return to the Future?”, GCSP Editorial
2019.07.07: “Ventes d’armes et dissuasion nucléaire, même combat ?”, avec S. Brigot-Vilain, J.-M. Collin et A. Suzor-Weiner, La Tribune
2019.07.02: “Dissuasion nucléaire: La France invente le multilatéralisme à géométrie variable”, avec B. Norlain et P. Quilès, Le Journal du Dimanche
2019.05.06: “Shooting Oneself in the Foot: Why the United States’ Withdrawal from the Arms Trade Treaty is a Mistake”, GCSP Op-Ed
2019.03.1: “Key Skills for the Five Main Diplomatic Functions”, GCSP Op-Ed
2018.12.30: “L’OTAN a-t-elle encore un sens ?”, IDN
2018.11.30: “Why Talk of a ‘Real European Army’ Now?”, GCSP Global Insights
2018.10.26: “Réduire d’urgence le risque de guerre nucléaire”, IDN
2018.08.01: "Missiles hypersoniques et dissuasion nucléaire : un jeu de poker dangereux", IDN
2018.07.12: “Assurer notre avenir commun : l’agenda du Secrétaire général de l’ONU pour le désarmement”, IDN
2018.07.03: “Addressing the Nexus: Regional Conventional Arms Control in a Global Context”, OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions
2018.06.01: “Towards a Missile-Free Zone for the Middle East – Moving beyond the Nuclear Dimension of the JCPOA”, with Bernd W. Kubbig, POLICY FORUM No. 12
2018.05.16: “Whither the Iran Nuclear Deal after the Trump Exit?”, GCSP Editorial
2018.03.01: “Against All Odds - Decreasing the Saudi-Iranian Rivalry for Regional Hegemony through and in the Wake of the JCPOA: Obstacles and Opportunities”, with Bernd Kubbig and Ali Fathollah-Nejad, POLICY FORUM No. 9
2018.02.20: “The Conference on Disarmament agrees to start working: A Wake-up Call for ‘Sleeping Beauty?’”, GCSP Editorial
2017.11.97: "Dissuasion nucléaire : circulez, il n’y a plus rien à voir !", avec B. Norlain, M. Drain, A. Suzor-Weiner, G. Mallard et P. Quilès, La Croix
2017.10.01: “A Building Block for a Middle East without WMD: An All-inclusive Nuclear-Test-Free Zone”, POLICY FORUM No. 6
2017.10.01: “Why New Thinking is Needed on Negative Security Assurances”, Arms Control Today
2017.09.01: “A UN Special Envoy to Manage the Middle East WMD-Free Zone Conference Process”, with Bernd Kubbig, POLICY FORUM No. 4
2017.09.01: “Bridging the Most Fundamental Gap by Simultaneously Pursuing Disarmament and Regional Security”, with Bernd Kubbig, POLICY FORUM No. 3
2017.07.10: “A Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons: What For and What Next?”, GCSP Editorial
2017.06.02: “Dissuasion nucléaire : les cinq contradictions françaises”, La Tribune ​
2017.04.03: “China and Nuclear Weapons: Implications of a No-First Use Doctrine”, China Policy Institute
2017.03.01: "Interdiction des essais nucléaires : pour un rôle leader de la France", avec J.-M. Collin, Editorial, La Tribune
2016.04.01: “20ème anniversaire du cessez-le-feu Israël-Liban: quand la France était active au Proche-Orient”, Revue Défense Nationale, n°767
2015.08.10: “Nuclear Weapons: Born in Sin, Doomed to Be Banned”, Editorial, European Leadership Network
2014.10.03: “Autonomy: The Key to Many Conflicts”, GCSP Editorial
2014.08.01: “Conflict Mediation in the Middle East: Lessons from Egypt as a Mediator and Object of Mediation” (with M. Johannsen et al.), Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), Policy Brief No. 36
2014.07.25: “Gaza, Ukraine: Protecting Civilians Is a Sacred Duty", GCSP Editorial
2013.12.18: “A third way toward a WMD-free Middle East”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
2013.11.22: "On-site Inspections, a Good Assurance of Compliance with International Arms Control and Disarmament Agreements",, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London
2013.11.11: "Cooperative Security: A New Paradigm For A World Without Nuclear Weapons?", Cadmus Journal
2013.09.17: "The Geneva Agreement on Syria's Chemical Disarmament: An Important Milestone", GCSP Editorial
2013.07.01: "Modest Confidence- and Security-Building Measures for the Middle East: No-First Use Declarations, Transparency Measures, and Communication Structures", with A. Péczeli, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), Policy Brief No. 21
2013.06.01: "The Arms Trade Treaty: Half Full or Half Empty?", The Strategist
2013.03.21: "Les négociations pour l’autonomie de la Nouvelle-Calédonie: des enseignements à tirer pour l’autonomie de la région du Sahara ?", in Ministère des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération, Royaume du Maroc, Séminaire international sur la représentativité et la légitimité dans les négociations d’autonomie, Genève
2012.12.07: "A Middle East Free of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Deadlock or Opportunity?", European Leadership Network
2012.10.01: "Syria’s Chemical Weapons: Force of Law or Law of Force?", GCSP Policy Paper 2012/10
2012.08.01: "Lithuania-France-Australia: Migrant Destinies", Doryanthes, Vol. 5, No. 3
2012.01.02: "Nuclear Iran: Avoiding a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy", GCSP Policy Paper 2012/1
2006.06.19: "Information Technology, Terrorism and Global Security", Programme on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalisation, GCSP
2006.10.01: "L’abus de la notion de 'combattant illégal': une atteinte au droit international humanitaire", in Revue générale de Droit international public, Paris, Vol. 4, pp. 862-889
2003.07.01: "The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Is There a Way Out?" (under pseudonym of Marek Arnaud), The Australian Journal of International Affairs 57, n°2: 243 - 251 (Carfax Publishing, Oxford)​